Matt + Emily's Engagement Session

Matt, Emily, and I spent one lovely evening together in Verona for their engagement session! Our first stop was Badger Prairie Dog Park, where we hiked up the trail to the top of a hill for a view of the wonderful little city of Verona, where the two live. They brought along their extremely cute corgi, Watson. He is such a good boy (check out his very fancy bow-tie!) and loved getting his picture taken. The next stop was to Epic, where Matt works. I had never been to the campus before, and oh my goodness, it is so cool! If you have never checked it out, I recommend going over for a tour sometime. It was super fun to walk around with these two as my guide and had so many cool spots to take photos (especially on a rainy day). Their session was so much fun, and I felt like I got to be so creative with the places we went to. These two are such a perfect pair, and I am looking forward to their wedding in May!